The Beginning


Welcome to my blog everyone. As things stand I only have about two stories done and a Blender project uploaded, but I'm hoping to get more content uploaded weekly, so expect some updates. I don't really have any rules here, just don't be a creep and be kind. I love getting comments that give helpful tips on how I can improve, but if you feel like you can only tell me how awful I am then I'll do my best to delete your comment. This applies to replying to others in the comments too. Other than that, I hope you all like what I got up here and you can find the pages to my stuff under the drop down menu at the top left of your screen.

P.S. Updates to this blog will be posted under my twitter @JoshuaMefford1
P.P.S. Feel free to ask any questions! I'm not sure how great or fast my advice will be, but I'm happy to help where I can.

Thanks for dropping by!!!


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