Daily Writings 7
Scene 1 In glassy caverns, deep beneath the dunes of an inhospitable desert, lives an ancient blue dragon named Fragor. There's almost nothing that can match his might, and he's proud of it. Every time he stretches his gargantuan body for a trip to the surface, he takes a moment to admire the arcs of electricity bouncing between his scales. When he finally takes flight, unfurling his massive wings, even the sky can't help but obey his power, as storms and lightning follow him everywhere he goes. Weak is not even a word in this creature's vocabulary. If something isn't strong, then it simply isn't worth his time. Despite Fragor's seemingly indomitable appearance though, there is one thing that never fails to humble the proud dragon. Every time he leaves his crystalline caverns, Fragor makes a detour to a small beach to the East. While at the beach, he appears as a young and handsome human with blue hair. Wearing ancient, formal clothes, Fragor wades into the ...